Wednesday, August 12, 2009

I'm back...well at least temporarily

So I haven't posted anything since the first post. No real excuse other than the fact that sometimes I just didn't feel like doing it or completely forgot about it.

Today I'm in Boston for work. Boston is a pretty neat place and I would like to come here for vacation sometime.

So today I sat next to a woman on the plane that was probably about 75 years old. After we took off I noticed she was reading a devotional book and had another book called "Three cups of Tea" that Kathy has read. I asked her if she was a Christian and where she was from. We ended up talking for the rest of the flight. It was pretty encouraging to hear her passion for missions and spreading the gospel. She talked about the need for missionaries in countries in Africa but also the need to do local missions. It was nice to see someone that has been "in the church" for years still have the same passion for serving as a middle school or high school student that just returned from a mission trip.

On a lighter note, I was relaxed enough on the plane to talk to someone. I still don't enjoy the flying experience but am relaxing enough to at least carry a conversation.

A friend of Kathy's and the grandfather of my friend Grant passed away yesterday. He was a pastor and raised a great family. I had met him many times but never really had a deep conversation with him. Kathy has a quote that he said one time that talks about needing to take Jesus to people and it hits me everytime I look at it in her office.

My meeting with a random woman on the plane and the recent passing of Ralph Bauserman really has hit me with a common theme.

I(and we as humans) sometimes make Christianity and evangelism too complicated. Yes, not everything is black and white, but the cliche phrase "what would Jesus do" is a thousand times more true than I acknowledge most of the time. He met people where they were and he pointed them to Himself and the Father. Sometimes he was short and blunt and other times he was gentle and nurturing. He knew that the people he was talking with were not perfect nor could ever be on their own. He had their best interest in hand within the physical world and the spiritual.

There's a few other things that were on my mind today. I seem to have a lot of time to think about things when I'm traveling by myself.

I watched some CNN today and they were talking about economic recovery and where we are in terms of economic growth compared to where we were when the "recession" started. According to their graphs we are in recovery mode so I guess that's good. I'm still nervous about the government messing with business and the economy. I understand what they are trying to accomplish with the bailout of the auto companies and the "cash for clunkers" program but that's my money. That's your money to. Money doesn't grow on trees and if they keep printing more to run these programs the money we do have isn't going to be worth much.

Another thing that troubles me every time I think about it is all the health care reform I read about and hear about. I am torn between the two sides of the issue...

On one hand I want everyone to be able to go to the doctor or hospital if something is wrong with them, especially when you talk about children or pregnant mothers.

On the other hand I don't want to pay for it. If you can afford insurance or your employer provides it, good for you. Capitalism will prevail and if people keep paying the high costs then why would the insurance companies, doctors and hospitals charge less. I wouldn't charge less if people were paying.

To wrap it up, when looking at people and thinking about how Christ would treat them most interactions will probably be better. When looking at situations like Christ would(economy, government, healthcare) some things are a little more complicated. Let me know what you think about any of these topics; I'm open for suggestions especially about the governement, economy and healthcare thing.


Sunday, May 3, 2009

...already dropped the ball

So I've officially dropped the ball on this blog thing. I said I was going to update it frequently however life has been...well life.

I wrote this post in May, I know it's late but I thought I should post it.

Thursday, April 16, 2009

And it begins...

Hi Friends (or people that just stumbled across this site),

I've decided to start this blog as my attempt to promote dialog between people in this world that don't have everything in life figured out. I'm just your normal guy working to provide for his family, chasing after Christ (though sometimes clumsily) and living life in the same world as everyone else. There is a few things that might temper my posts and help you understand where I'm coming from. I believe that we live in a world that is corrupted because of human nature and that we have an obligation to make it a better place.

Some would say I'm conservative politically. To that I'd say "That's right; and I still have compassion for everyone. The government isn't here to "fix" everything. I respect the governments decisions even if I don't agree."

If you are not sure where I stand, I would check the first paragraph. I'm a Christian but will not bring it up every two seconds or shove it down your through. You can believe whatever you like and I would like to hear about it. I know that Christ has changed and is changing my life and can offer you more than anything you can ever experience on earth.

I live in a small Ohio town with my wife and dog. I've been married for almost a year and it is great to be with a woman that I love. You'll hear about her quite a bit.

I drive an hour and fifteen minutes to and from work everyday. I like my job and like anyone else would "retire" in a heart beat if my bills were magically paid. I like to play guitar, listen to music, build things and relax with my family and friends.

You will hear a lot more about my life than religion and politics but they will definitely be involved. I will respond to your posts as quick as I can and would love to hear your opinions (good, bad, or indifferent) on what I write. Bare with me as I am not a writer.